Dear Qoya Community,

I offer you blessings from my heart to yours as all around the world, each of us look up and see the same full moon reflecting the light of the sun. At least, I think that's what's happening...

We started the Global Paqo School last weekend, and as I sit down today, I can see how perfectly aligned beginning this earth-based nature mysticism is with the cosmos. As above, so below.

We began with teachings on Ayni, which is often translated as Sacred Reciprocity. This is the foundation of their culture, acknowledging that sacred reciprocity is what creates harmony. And that by giving, we open up space inside ourselves to receive. We begin practicing this with nature; however, ideally, it becomes the foundation of all of our relating.

I invite you to take a moment and notice how many of your relationships with nature, others, work, society, feel like they are in a place of sacred reciprocity?

As a side note, if you're interested in learning more about learning directly from the Paqos, you can do so here:

Global Paqo School
Qoya Cohort

Saturday, March 25th until Saturday, November 4th, 2023
Enrollment open through April 28th

Learn More

I'm inspired to share with you a poem that speaks to the idea of balance and harmony that is often associated with the full moon in Libra (exact at 12:34 AM Eastern Time on April 6th). It encourages us to find balance between opposing forces in our lives and to embrace both the light and the dark aspects of ourselves. It also acknowledges the importance of relationships and the fear that can come with intimacy, yet reminds us to seek balance and equilibrium in our connections with others.

"Equilibrium" by Naomi Shihab Nye

Life is a balance between holding on and letting go.
In the fullness of the moon, we feel the tug of opposing forces.
Our hearts yearn for connection, yet we fear the weight of intimacy.
In the light of the moon, we see our own shadows, our own darkness.
We must learn to dance with the light and the dark, to find balance in the in-between.
Let us honor the moon and all that it represents, and seek equilibrium in our own lives.

What is the light of the moon illuminating to you?

I'm aware that the Sun is conjunct Chiron. Chiron is often associated with the archetype of the wounded healer, as it represents the part of ourselves that has been wounded alongside the part of us that has the capacity to heal and help others. How can you call on the light of the sun to shine on what hurts, to embrace the empathy you have cultivated because of your lived experience and get curious on how you might even celebrate the ways you are stronger and softer because of those experiences?

As a reminder, to be able to access our deeper feelings, it often takes time. I invite you to explore where you might be able to create some spaciousness for yourself this full moon.

I'm learning that like the moon affects the ocean tides, there are high tide and low tide moments we experience in life, and specifically in relationships. Sometimes when the tide is too high and the waves are too turbulent, it's a sea I choose not to swim in (for now). I might wait for low tide, for it to be calmer, when I feel more comfortable to share my heart with another.

In a million ways, so many of us are waking up to give ourselves permission to live in honor of cycles. Our own body cycles that travel alongside the moon. The earth time cycles of seasons. The ebb and flow of people and places and events that is natural. How does checking in with yourself on new and full moons feel as one way to touch in with your inner life and how your journey is going?

While the urge to cocoon from the challenges of this world is real and needed from time to time, I also feel the aspect of Libra that is calling you/me/we beyond what is comfortable and towards what is more just. Kimberle Crenshaw says, "Justice is not only the absence of oppression, it is the presence of opportunity." I wonder what each of us might hear if we sat under the full moon for a few minutes and asked what we could do to work towards creating greater balance and equality in the world at large.

I invite you to notice: what happens when you dance and open yourself up to hear the voice of your body amplified by the energy of the full moon?

It might be doing a class. It might be putting your songs on shuffle and dancing to the song that comes up. It might be doing a body scan and checking in with every part of your body as you receive the light of the moon. You do you. And one of the best ways to check in with yourself will often include honoring the voice of your body.

If you are able to sign up today, you have an opportunity to receive a free Qoya Class led by me, please hop on over to my friend Lainie Love Dalby's incredible offering.

The Sacred (R)evolution® Global Festival is a 5 day virtual transformational event to ignite a radical ancient future consciousness.

My offering is a Qoya class on the theme Ancient Future. Sometimes life can feel like so much is changing so quickly. This class is designed to offer space to connect to your most ancient eternal wisdom and invite that part of yourself to guide you as you consciously align with the future.

Join us here for this totally FREE festival.

May the wisdom of your mind, body, heart, and spirit reflect the love you are, just like moon reflects the light of the sun.

With love,
